Euston Area Plan


Two weeks to go

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Initial consultation survey closes on 14 December at 5pm

We are two thirds of the way through the first stage of the consultation on the Euston Area Plan.  Over 130 people came to our drop in events in the first half of November and our website has had over 1000 hits ( We have already had many interesting views on  the future of the Euston area. Thank you to all those who have come to our events, made their own plan for Euston and filled in the questionnaire to date.

There is still just under two weeks left for those of you who haven’t had a chance to give us your views.

You can do this by filling out our online survey – you can skip part 1, the interactive mapping part of the survey and just complete part 2, the questionnaire if you would prefer. You can also fill out a paper copy of the questionnaire which is available at libraries or please contact us to request one.

We hope those of you that haven’t already will take this opportunity to have your say. Your views will help to inform the production of the draft plan, which will be published for consultation next summer.

Thank you!

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